Ashwaganda 10% Wht
Better result thanks to its concentration of 10% Withanolides
Ashwaganda is a traditional plant native to India. Ashwagandha is one of the main medicinal plants of Ayurvedic medicine, the scientific name is Withania Somnifera and it is a nightshade. The name Ashwagandha comes from Sanskrit, and can be translated as "Horse smell", a translation that does not refer to any characteristic odor of Withania Somnifera, but to the invigorating properties that Ayurvedic medicine attributes to it.
Properties: adaptogenic, anxiolytic, sedative, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, tonic, nutritive, rejuvenating, aphrodisiac, astringent, antispasmodic, anticonvulsant, diuretic, hypotensive, immunomodulatory .
Ashwagandha is an exceptional and nutritious nerve tonic, it promotes energy, strength and vitality. It helps in problems of poor memory, visual weakness, arthritis and insomnia. Improves resistance to physical and emotional stress. It is a good analgesic and anti-inflammatory for joint disorders.
10% whotanolides.
Amber jar: 60 tablets.
Vegan, NON-GMO, Gluten Free.
La Ashwaganda es una planta tradicional originaria de India. Ashwagandha es una de las principales plantas medicinales de la medicina ayurvédica, el nombre científico es Withania Somnifera y es una solanácea. El nombre Ashwagandha proviene del sánscrito, y puede ser traducido como "Olor a caballo", traducción que no hace referencia a ningún olor característico de Withania Somnifera, sino a las propiedades vigorizantes que la medicina ayurvédica le atribuye.